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~ Julie Lynn Dobson


You are welcome at Emerald Gate Farm.

The Blue Ridge calls. And you're a hop and a skip from

Waynesville and Maggie Valley, and a small jump to Asheville.

A great place to come experience the Seasons,

if you happen to be missing out on that sort of thing

(*cough* I'm from Miami, FL *cough* *cough*)


The Cabin can accommodate 3-4 couples (; or 7-11 very close friends ;),

boasts a fire place, three ponds, a hiking trail, two great pyrenes, cats,

geese, ducks, guineas, turkeys, chickens - and a fire pit! -

and is available to rent throughout the year. ​


However, one week (so far), out of the year, it is reserved for Emerald Gate Flame Keeper Retreats.


And I'm inviting you to the one that's happening from 4/20 to 4/27, 2024.

Let's hang out, explore the natural beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains, practice some meditation, have some group discussions, and experiment with some fun and creative ventures.​​



mountains, meditation, wildlife, workshops, food, and fun.

Arriving late Saturday 4/20 and leaving early Saturday 4/27 leaves us six days to

visit the Blue Ridge Parkway and other local natural wonders,

discuss relationships, and explore ways to add fun to our lives.


​“What do you mean by ‘group discussions’ and ‘discuss relationships?’” you might ask. Well, the answer would be: group discussions of books about relationships, including:

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work (Gottman), 

How We Love (Yerkovich),

Getting It Right the First Time (McCarthy), and

Reconcilable Differences (Christensen/Jacobson)


​Some might approach these conversations very intellectually;

others more personally, spiritually, emotionally, etc.

Each to their own preference. The only requirement is



​The SURPRISE is that this is a BETA Retreat.


You would be “Founding Members” of the Emerald Gate Retreats Community.

In exchange for your participation and feedback,

the cost for your experience would be half of the future rate.

So instead of $4,000 for the week, you would only pay $2,000.


If you're interested in

a Vacation with a pinch of Communication,

please message me :)




Text: 786.246.3836 / Email:

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